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 What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing.

It is based on the idea that unseen life force energy flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's life force energy is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stressed. The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". So, Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy."

We are all born with the power to heal ourselves. Our bodies are in a constant state of maintaining balance. It is that energy within that helps the body to repair and replace aspects of itself as needed. In the distant past, our ancestors had innate wisdom that they used to heal themselves and maintain vitality. Over time, with our focus shifting to what is outside of ourselves, we have lost the ability to clearly see within. In comparison to our own personal energy, Reiki is the energy that connects our higher self with everything around us. We can use Reiki energy to help us balance our own energy and bodies. We are in a time where science is beginning to validate the existence of the energies that surround and exist within each of us. The Buddhist proverb: When a student is ready, the teacher appears is often true in the case of Reiki. You may have found this modality at just the perfect time in your life. Reiki is the intelligent life force that connects us to what we need.
Although Reiki has traditionally been used as a healing system, it is also extremely effective as a way to help individuals increase awareness, insight, wisdom, and personal growth. Our bodies are energetic in nature. Our bones resonate at lower frequencies while our blood, thoughts, etc. vibrate at higher frequencies. This magnetic pulse is known as a bio-magnetic field. In Eastern traditions, this pulse is also known as Ki or Prana. It is interesting to note that scientists have found that measuring the magnetic fields of the body with magneto cardiograms and magneto encephalograms often provides a more accurate indication of what is happening in the body than traditional electrical measurements. When a practitioner is performing a healing session, the energy that emanates from their hands produces a significantly larger bio-magnetic reading (7-10Hz – Theta and Alpha range) than a non-practitioner. These frequencies are associated with physical healing. Contentment, relaxation, decreased feelings of stress, fear, and anxiety as well as a reduction and in some cases elimination of physical illnesses and persistent conditions are common observations from clients after a Reiki session. There are countless case studies and anecdotal research verifying the effects of Reiki sessions.

When a body receives Reiki energy, it is like having a light to make the body aware of the energy that is not serving it. The practitioner does not decide what needs to be released or when, the wisdom of the body does. The practitioner holds the space for the body & mind to see the possibilities it can choose from with regard to healing, so the body is no longer tied to a dysfunctional way of being. Once the body has chosen what it is ready to address, it can systematically release the stored energy at a cellular level connected with the imbalance. The cells then begin functioning as intended and the healing occurs on a physical as well as emotional, mental, and physical level. The body does not need to be consciously aware of what beliefs and memories it is working with which is one reason why Reiki can be so effective. Many of our strong help beliefs were developed in early childhood or even fetal life. The client just needs to ensure that as the releases occur that they are aware of the process and allow them to fall away. With the body vibrating in a more natural state, harmony and peace on all levels can be restored.

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